Ottawa Fringe 2014; Burnt at the Steak!! Dont miss this one

Ottawa Fringe 2014; Burnt at the Steak!! Dont miss this one

A dynamite performance by a most extraordinary lady who comes across as the voice and energy  of a Tina Turner, as well as all the brightest stars of Broadway Musical theatre, with a dash of spice and pepper and strong sexy singing that is absolutely brilliant. This is the show NOT TO MISS

Burnt at the Steak is a truly professional cabaret performance with lots of  interactive work with the men who had a great time (don’t leave your girlfriends at home, they will like this too) Note her “big fat daddy routine which was a spoof of blues and jazz singing with so much beautiful humanity and a good strong jazz voice. However,  Mme  Valentino can take on any rhythm, any kind of singing, any form of music, and make it her own. She is incredibly talented and a joy to watch.  The hour just  melted away in no time!!!  Thank-you  Ottawa Fringe for bringing her to us!

Run to the Academic Hall and get your ticket right now.


The show is created, produced and performed by Carolann Valentino

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