My Brilliant Divorce. A one-hander that works brilliantly

My Brilliant Divorce. A one-hander that works brilliantly

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A one-person show works only if it is rich in content, has a fine dramatic arc, quality production values and, most of all, a first-class performer.

The SevenThirty/Pat Moylan production of My Brilliant Divorce by Geraldine Aron has all of the above.

Early on, it seems that it might be a lightweight comedy shrugging off the sadness of marital failure. But, Aron’s script moves on from the initial dismissal of the errant husband, through the gamut of emotions — anger, depression, loneliness, desperation — and actions ranging from the contemplation of suicide to the emotional suicide of trying to revive the dead marriage. Eventually, acceptance is followed by a new and healthier life after divorce.

Kate Hurman delivers a powerful and beautifully sustained characterization of Angela, the discarded wife who was once half of the world’s happiest couple, as well as throwing in cameos of a number of the people she meets on her journey towards survival with only her dog, Dexter, by her side and voices at the other end of the telephone to break the monotony of her life.

Both funny and moving, My Brilliant Divorce, as directed by John P. Kelly, supported by David Magladry’s lighting and Steven Lafond’s soundscape, is a delightful evening of theatre.

My Brilliant Divorce continues at the Gladstone Theatre to May 17.

Director: John P. Kelly

Lighting: David Magladry

Sound: Steven Lafond 

Costumes: Patricia-Ann Forbes


Angela………………………………..Kate Hurman


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