The Black Bonspiel of Wullie MacCrimmon : A Production from Hell!
Photos from the Kanata Theatre website.
The Faustian theme goes curling in The Black Bonspiel of Wullie MacCrimmon. W.O. Mitchell’s Canadianization of bargaining with the Devil worked in its original incarnation as a radio play in 1951, then as a television play in 1965 and, finally, as a much-lauded comedy on stage in 1979.
But, whether it is the play that has not stood the test of time or the many hiccups in the Kanata Theatre production, it certainly comes across as corny and laboured in 2015.
As directed by Shelagh Mills, the script seems wordier, the show edges along at a snail’s pace and the staging is extremely choppy and repetitive. Actors, who periodically appear uncomfortable in their roles, frequently stand, shout and declaim rather than project. The two worst offenders in this regard are Derek Barr as the Devil and Gordon Walls as Pipefitting Charlie Brown.
By contrast, Alain Chaimsi, as the title character, is quiet and reasonable and, therefore, more believable. Lorraine Gorman is also believable as the local busybody, but there is little sparkle or convincing connection among the ensemble.
The key curling match in Act II, in which Wullie and his team are pitted against the Devil, Guy Fawkes, Judas Iscariot and Macbeth, would be more amusing — maybe even borderline engaging — if it were played towards the audience, rather than horizontally with characters regularly exiting the stage. Occasionally amusing, but more often tedious, this bonspiel rarely rocks.
As presented, while some of the technical aspects are effective, it is hard to believe that this is the same play that had audiences rolling in the aisles at the Calgary premiere I enjoyed in 1979. Sad to say, the Kanata Theatre version of The Black Bonspiel of Wullie MacCrimmon is more often boring than funny — an apparently under-rehearsed production from Hell.
The Black Bonspiel of Wullie MacCrimmon
By W.O. Mitchell
Kanata Theatre
Director: Shelagh Mills
Set: Dorothy Shaw
Sound: Tracey Nash
Lighting; Bob Carey and Calie McPhee
Costumes: Maxine Ball, Carol Pratt and Marilyn Valiquette
Devil………………………………………Derek Barr
Annie Brown………………………………Lorraine Gorman
Rev. Pringle………………………………..Geoff Williams
Wullie MacCrimmon………………………Alain Chamsi
Pipefitting Charlie Brown………………….Gordon Walls
Malleable Charlie Brown…………………..Lionel King
Clock Charlie Brown………………………Barry Caiger
Guy Fawkes………………………………..Murray Reeves
Judas Iscariot……………………………….Greg Winklemaier
Macbeth……………………………………..Jonathan Vien