Tag: workshop by Kristina Watt 2020

For Youth, Theatre is Action.

For Youth, Theatre is Action.

Over the past two years, I have had the privilege of inviting  a group of teenagers in Canada, ages 13-17, to consider theatre as a possible means of fighting for climate action. These ten youth, Natasha Knight, Anna Carsley-Jones, Sebastien Cimpaye, Sophie Dean, Quinn Lesaux, Jaya Matiation, Olivia Smith, Ethan Whidden, Kaatje Yates, and Paige Young, are all driven by their love for the planet – and are deeply concerned  about a future they feel they have inherited. As Sophie says, “We’re a group of teens with a goal and the passion to achieve it. We’re not all the same; we have different backgrounds and ambitions, but we’re united in our goal for climate action through theatre.” Quinn adds, “I would describe us as a group of teenagers who have a strong opinion on climate change; we’re trying to get our voice out there for older and younger audiences and trying to inform them how they can use their voice to control this problem.”

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