Infinite Playwrights’ Chat Room opens English language theatre development in Montreal
Infinithéâtre opens its play-development to the public
The Infinite Playwrights’ Chat Room
Every Thursday from May 14 to June 25, 5pm
Montreal, May 2020 ● Infinithéâtre is inviting members of the public across Canada to The Infinite Playwrights’ Chat Room to participate online in the development of a series of exciting new plays. Once a week, a different script of a work-in-progress from six Québec playwrights will be released. If the synopsis of the play intrigues you or you enjoy reading early work and being part of the process, they are looking for your input to help develop and write the next draft. The Infinite Playwrights’ Chat Room runs Thursdays, May 14-June 25.
This is a genuine dramaturgical process. If interested, people have ten days to read the play and think about feedback; any questions, observations and suggestions they’d like to offer. These comments from diverse readers help the writer make decisions about the next version. During a live Zoom session your suggestions will be put forth, providing the writer with fresh inspiration for their next phase of development
As audience members, the general public is welcome to audit the event and add comments in a Q&A session. If you would like to participate live in the discussion with the playwright, moderator and other select creatives, just let Infinithéâtre know when you email your comments. You could then be invited as a guest into the room. The Chats can also be watched live on Infinithéâtre’s Facebook page.