Tag: presented at the Gladstone in September 2018

The Last Spartan gets a two-week run at The Gladstone following Fringe Festival premiere

The Last Spartan gets a two-week run at The Gladstone following Fringe Festival premiere

Pierre Brault’s newest work stands to rank among his best solo pieces.” –Patrick Langston, ARTSFILE

see Ryan Pepper’s review as well on the capitalcriticscircle.com http://capitalcriticscircle.com/last-sparatan-wonderful-performance-pierre-brault-one-man-romp-greek-history/


Pierre Brault.

September 18–29: How important is art to a society? Are artists better at interpreting and preserving history than historians? Multi award-winning actor and playwright Pierre Brault, creator of Blood on the Moon, Portrait of an Unidentified Man, and last year’s hit Will Somers, plays five characters in this homage to his two greatest loves: history and the theatre.

This new play, which premiered in front of a larage audience at the 2018 Ottawa Fringe Festival, takes place in Greece, 404 B.C., during the last days of the Peloponnesian War. On one side, Athens: resplendent in art, culture and democracy. On the other, Sparta: militaristic, austere and ruthless. In the middle of this we find Kapholos, a former Spartan soldier, now disgraced for cowardice. He hides a secret… Kapholos loves art, especially the theatre.