“Sal Capone: The Lamentable Tragedy Of…”: Docudrama Musical for Black Lives Matter
“Sal Capone The Lamentable Tragedy Of…” Letitia Brookes, Tristan D, Lalla Kim Villagante. Photo-thanks to Urban Ink and the NAC.
The Beginning Of A Most Important Dialogue Initiated By This striking and moving staging of rage!
This docu-drama or docu-fiction, a form of musical theatre that ties together reality and fiction inspired by real-life tragedies, concerns events that took place in Montreal (the death of an unarmed Freddy Villanueva in 2008) and the shooting of unarmed Trayvon Martin in Florida (2013) which set off the “Black Lives Matter” movement in the US. We are immediately drawn back to Shakespeare’s work The Lamentable Tragedy Of Titus Andronicus (1623) whose ending is inspired by Seneca’s Thyestes. The Roman play concerns the horrific torture and death of children due to the rivalry between the twin brothers, Atreus and Thyestes. Atreus, takes vengeance on his brother Thyestes by tricking him into eating his own sons who have been slaughtered and served up on a plate. The unimaginable horror of cannibalism in this situation obviously intrigued Shakespeare who ends his version of Titus Andronicus in a similar way. …