Tag: NAC English Theatre 2017

The NAC King of the Yees fails to mesh

The NAC King of the Yees fails to mesh

King of Yees. Provided by the NAC English Theatre



So whats exactly happening on the stage of the Babs Asper Theatre at the National Arts Centre? Well now,  let’s see. There are such ingredients as identity angst, the generation gap, urban politics, racial stereotyping, cultural dislocation, a search for “meaning” in life. We also get smidgeons of naturalism, surrealism, dada, Brechtian and absurdist devices glued together by low-vaudeville buffoonery — all hopefully stirred into American playwright Lauren Yee’s dramatic pot in expectation of a coherent whole. A picturesquely conceived lion occasionally makes a manic appearance along with a chiropractor who’s really a sadistic needle-plunging acupuncturist — or is he actually a herbalist? There’s a swaggering caricature of aTong gangster — Shrimp Boy by name — whose presence triggers a street shoot-out that manages to throw an already discordant offering even more off track.

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Sir John A: Acts of Gentrified Ojibway Rebellion on stage at the NAC.

Sir John A: Acts of Gentrified Ojibway Rebellion on stage at the NAC.

Colony Of Unrequited Dreams: Less Than Meets The Eye

Colony Of Unrequited Dreams: Less Than Meets The Eye

Photo: Colin Furlong as Joey Smallwood. Credit: Paul Daly

One suspects that the National Arts Centre’s production of The Colony Of Unrequited Dreams will have its greatest success with those playgoers who haven’t read the Wayne Johnston novel that inspired it.

Playwright Robert Chafe’s earnest, well-intentioned adaptation frequently manages to engage the viewer — although on a somewhat brittle level. But it lacks the epic sweep and emotional resonance of Johnston’s fictional recreation of the early life of legendary Newfoundland Premier Joseph Smallwood and his campaign to bring a proud but troubled island nation into Canada in 1949. Indeed, Jillian Keiley’s production, although revelling in fancy visuals and clever bits of business, never really communicates the high stakes involved in the countdown to Confederation. Given that the turbulent referendum vote required a second run-off, such lack of tension is astonishing

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The Colony of Unrequited Dreams: Brilliantly performed, directed, and adapted

The Colony of Unrequited Dreams: Brilliantly performed, directed, and adapted

Photo: Paul Daly

In the Playwright’s Notes, the playwright, Robert Chafe, writes: “The history buff will have no trouble calling me out. But I made my primary task to reflect the spirit and heart of this magnificent book within the often-confining demands of a stage play.” That is exactly what he does. Hard, cold facts about Newfoundland’s first premier Joey Smallwood, and the role he played in bringing the Dominion of Newfoundland into Canada’s confederation can be found in any number of books. Chafe’s adaptation of Wayne Johnston novel Colony of Unrequited Dreams brings much more to the stage than that. It brings back the time, the place and people during a time of great change in Newfoundland.

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The Colony of Unrequited Dreams: A fractious relationship

The Colony of Unrequited Dreams: A fractious relationship

Photo: Colin Furlong as Joey Smallwood. Credit: Paul Daly

Joey Smallwood, the diminutive guy who led Newfoundland into Confederation in 1949:  with a subject like that, audience members for The Colony of Unrequited Dreams could be forgiven for fearing an evening of excruciating boredom.

They would also be proven dead wrong.

Adapted by Robert Chafe from Wayne Johnston’s celebrated 1998 historical novel of the same name, the play is an enthralling glimpse into the heart of the earnest and tenacious Smallwood, into the soul of his beloved Newfoundland, and into Smallwood’s complicated relationship with a caustic newspaper columnist named Sheilagh Fielding.

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Two Versions of A Christmas Carol in Ottawa: Jamie Portman confronts the NAC production with the production at The Gladstone. Much to contemplate!!!

Two Versions of A Christmas Carol in Ottawa: Jamie Portman confronts the NAC production with the production at The Gladstone. Much to contemplate!!!


Andy Jones as Scrooge at the  NAC.

                                                                        John D. Huston as Dickens


There’s no doubt that the National Arts Centre has unleashed an intriguing production of something this Yuletide season. And yes, it purports to be A Christmas Carol —   indeed the printed program tells us that  the Dickens classic has been adapted and directed by Jillian Keiley, the NAC’s restlessly inventive head of English theatre.

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A Christmas Carol at the NAC: NAC English Theatre finds fresh perspective in Dickens’s A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol at the NAC: NAC English Theatre finds fresh perspective in Dickens’s A Christmas Carol

Final Review posted by Patrick Langston in the Ottawa Citizen!!   December 17, 2016.  PatrickLangston  We wish him well.

A Christmas Carol at NAC English Theatre

A Christmas Carol at NAC English Theatre Photographer: John Lauener / –

Bringing Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol to the stage is a risky business. The story is as well known as that of Adam and Eve – indeed, there’s something of The Fall and subsequent Redemption in Ebenezer Scrooge’s journey from innocent boyhood to miserly misery and finally into bliss – and finding a fresh interpretation of Dickens’s tale can be tough.

The NAC English Theatre’s production of A Christmas Carol, newly adapted by director Jillian Keiley and starring Andy Jones as Scrooge, finds that fresh perspective and does so with élan.

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L’Homme de décembre: Texte de Colleen Murphy, mise en scène de Sarah Garton Stanley.

L’Homme de décembre: Texte de Colleen Murphy, mise en scène de Sarah Garton Stanley.

Le 6 décembre 1989, un  homme entre dans un amphithéâtre de l’École polytechnique à l’Université de Montréal, muni  d’un fusil d’assaut, un Ruger Mini-14. Les étudiants sont priés de quitter la salle.  Quelques instants plus tard, les corps de quatorze étudiantes  jonchent  le sol.  La nouvelle se répand rapidement  et le  Canada  tout entier est en  état de choc.  Selon les témoins, le tueur, Marc Lepine, souhaitait se venger de  ces «féministes», qui voulaient occuper les postes  traditionnellement réservés aux  hommes.
Vingt-six ans après, le pays est encore hanté par ce drame et la question persiste.  Comment ne pas se poser des questions sur la manière d’aborder ce sujet-piège dont  les moindres détails de la tuerie tragique sont connus de tous, puisque l’événement fut décortiqué par la presse. Comment  construire un récit, cerner des  personnages, soutenir l’intérêt au-delà d’un voyeurisme réaliste  quand l’auteure refuse d’adopter une perspective historique, ou  d’approfondir la psychologie des acteurs d’un drame déjà trop connu?

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