Avignon 2019: In search of multiple selves: “Multiple-S”by Salia Sanou and “Oskara” by Kukai Dantza
The focus of this review is inspired by the title and the theme of Salia Sanou’s multidisciplinary creation Multiple-S that he brought to Avignon 2019. Migration, exile, economic travel and global tourism created a myriad of people who identify themselves with many languages, cultural traditions and habits at the same time. Multiplicity is the name for their state of being and for their minds.
Multiple-S by Salia Sanou and Oskara by Kukai Dantza offer two different artistic and philosophical takes on this aspect of the age of globalization. In these interdisciplinary works, the artists of different backgrounds, dancers, musicians, signers and a poet engage with one more pressing issue of our time – the sense of divided self and the loss of roots. …