Engaging Evening of Stones in His Pockets But the Play’s Serious Intent is Not Quite Captured.
Dynamic duo of Gélinas and Counsil. Photo Andrew Alexander
There’s no denying that actors Richard Gélinas and Zach Counsil are an engaging double act in this new production of playwright Marie Jones’s international stage hit about the impact of a Hollywood film crew on a rural Irish community. They’re capable of working together as smoothly as a pair of fingers on the same hand, they have a deft way with comedy, and they serve the needs of the play with their ability to define a character with a few broad strokes.
That latter gift is essential here. These able performers are not just being called upon to portray the droll and jaundiced Jake Quinn (Gélinas) and the bouncily optimistic Charlie Conlon (Counsil), two locals who have been hired as extras on the film. They’re required to work much harder than that and also serve up an additional gallery of characters which include Irish labourers, neurotic filmmakers and a seductive Hollywood diva named Caroline Giovanni.