Going down the Rabbit Hole well worth the trip

The title suggests that hiding from reality is one way to cope in the face of tragedy. And one of the greatest tragedies that can strike parents is the death of a child.
Too often, mainly because a couple attempt to assuage their grief in different ways, the terrible loss tears them apart. They do not have the inner resources to give or seek comfort from each other and often lose their marriage as well as their child. This is the premise behind David Lindsay-Abaire’s Rabbit Hole, which won a Pulitzer Prize in 2007.
The drama opens eight months after Becca and Howie Corbett’s four-year-old son was killed in a car crash outside their home. He ran across the street after Howie’s dog just as a car, driven by a teenager, came round the corner. Becca had just run inside to answer a phone call from her sister, Izzy. Everyone involved feels a degree of guilt for the fatal accident. …