Bursting into Flames written and interpreted by Martin Dockery.

Bursting into Flames written and interpreted by Martin Dockery.

Martin Dockery’s solo show, Bursting Into Flames, is an exhilarating exposition on life after death, presented through the eyes of a character who is lucky enough to have landed a spot on the right side of the equation. Dockery’s character is sweet-as-sugar and oh-so thrilled to be able to tell us a little bit about his new life in heaven. From perfecting the art of hosting parties, to attending his friends’ recitals, and indulging in endless amounts of time to get to know his friends, his days are pretty full. And if you think heaven couldn’t get any better, you’d better think again.

This show is pure, comedic gold delivered at a break-neck pace. Dockery is mesmerizing in this show, delivering anecdotes straight from his life in heaven with an over-the-top, saccharin, pure, undiluted joy that, if we didn’t know better, could only mask a sinister truth. But there’s no time for that in heaven: Let’s have desert instead!

Dockery is a crackling firework throughout this performance, and a master at theatrical slight-of-hand. This play is expertly devised, deftly delivered, and wonderfully complex.

Rm 311 U of Ottawa theatre department..

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