Two Girls, One Corpse.

Two Girls, One Corpse.


Photo, Monique Elliot

Two friends, have gone to a wedding, they wake up the next day and discover a corpse in their apartment. Two legs sticking out from the wings could be the beginning of a sit-com version of Antonioni’s Blow Up which might have lead to a more non-traditional investigation of the presence of the corpse. However, still in TV mode, the writers have chosen Murder She Wrote as their mystery solving model which transforms the corpse into a bit of a sterotype , especially at the end.  Instead there are hysterics, jumpy nervous flippant tv-style dialogue, a perfectly good sit-com style relationship between the two friends who insert Jessica Fletcher into the mix as part of their playing at being sleuths. 

The show is rather well layered as far as the characters and their situation are concerned, Good directing by Dave Dawson whose work is always very competent and fitting performances by the two young women concerned who really seem to be having a great time on stage.  This is a perfect example of the way TV is having a deep deep influence on the  style and narratives of a certain kind of popular theatre these days. Its not a bad thing. It is just very revealing and no doubt inevitable.

Two Girls, One Corpse at Academic Hall. .

Two Girls One Corpse

Created and performed by Marissa Caldwell and Michelle Blanchard

Directed by Dave Dawson

Production of Lazy Sunday Theatre

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